Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript
The book "Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript" by Eric Pimpler covers the fundamentals of building custom web and mobile GIS applications using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. Here is a summary of the chapters included in the book:
Chapter 1: Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Provides an overview of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Covers basic HTML page concepts, DOCTYPE declaration, tags, and validating HTML code.
- Introduces JavaScript fundamentals, including variables, decision statements, loops, functions, and objects.
- Discusses basic CSS principles and syntax.
Chapter 2: Creating Maps and Adding Layers
- Introduces the ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sandbox.
- Explains the basic steps for creating an application with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
- Covers referencing the ArcGIS API, loading modules, and creating the map.
- Shows how to create page content and style the page.
- Discusses working with map service layers, including tiled map service layers and dynamic map service layers.
- Explains how to add layers to the map and work with map navigation.
Chapter 3: Adding Graphics to the Map
- Explains the components of a graphic in ArcGIS.
- Covers creating geometry for graphics and symbolizing them.
- Shows how to assign attributes to graphics and display graphic attributes in an info template.
- Demonstrates how to create and add graphics to the graphics layer.
Chapter 4: The Feature Layer
- Covers creating a FeatureLayer object in ArcGIS.
- Explains optional constructor parameters and display modes.
- Discusses feature selection and rendering a feature layer.
Chapter 5: Using Widgets and Toolbars
- Shows how to add toolbars to an application.
- Covers creating buttons and defining CSS styles.
- Introduces various user interface widgets such as BasemapGallery, Bookmarks, Print, Geocoder, Gauge, Measurement, Popup, Legend, and more.
- Discusses analysis widgets and feature editing.
Chapter 6: Performing Spatial and Attribute Queries
- Introduces tasks in ArcGIS Server.
- Explains attribute and spatial queries.
- Covers the Query object, defining query properties, executing queries with QueryTask, and getting query results.
Chapter 7: Identifying and Finding Features
- Shows how to use IdentifyTask to get feature attributes.
- Introduces the IdentifyParameters and IdentifyResult objects.
- Covers implementing the identify functionality.
- Explains using FindTask to find feature attributes using FindParameters and FindResult.
Chapter 8: Turning Addresses into Points and Points into Addresses
- Introduces geocoding with a Locator service in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
- Explains input parameter objects, geocoding process, and reverse geocoding process.
- Covers using the Locator object and AddressCandidate object.
- Provides a hands-on practice with the Locator service.
Chapter 9: Network Analyst Tasks
- Covers RouteTask and demonstrates routing.
- Explains the ClosestFacility task and ServiceArea task.
Chapter 10: Geoprocessing Tasks
- Introduces models in ArcGIS Server.
- Covers using the Geoprocessor for running geoprocessing tasks.
- Explains input parameters and running synchronous and asynchronous tasks.
- Provides hands-on practice with geoprocessing tasks.
Chapter 11: Integration with ArcGIS Online
- Shows how to add ArcGIS Online maps to applications using the webmap ID and JSON.
- Provides hands-on practice with ArcGIS Online.
Chapter 12: Creating Mobile Applications
- Explains how to create mobile applications using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
- Covers the compact build, setting viewport scale, and integrating the Geolocation API.
- Provides hands-on practice with mobile application development.
Appendix: Application Design with ArcGIS
Includes information on application design with ArcGIS templates and Dojo, covering the Dojo BorderContainer dijit and additional Dojo layout elements.
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