Fundamentals of Hydrology
"Fundamentals of Hydrology" is a comprehensive textbook written by Tim Davie, covering the principles and concepts of hydrology as a science. The second edition of the book covers various topics related to hydrology, including precipitation, evaporation, storage, runoff, streamflow analysis, water quality, and water resource management in a changing world.
The first chapter of the book provides an overview of hydrology as a science, discussing the importance of water in the natural environment, the hydrological cycle, and the different types of water bodies. The second chapter delves into precipitation, covering topics such as rainfall measurement, precipitation types, and the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation.
Chapter three focuses on evaporation, discussing the various factors that influence evaporation rates and the different methods used to measure evaporation. Chapter four deals with storage, covering the different types of water storage, including groundwater, soil moisture, and snowpack.
Chapter five discusses runoff, including its various types and the factors that influence its generation. The sixth chapter deals with streamflow analysis and modeling, covering topics such as hydrological modeling techniques, streamflow measurement, and flood forecasting.
The seventh chapter focuses on water quality, discussing the different sources of water pollutants, the effects of water pollution on the environment and human health, and the different water quality monitoring and management strategies.
The final chapter of the book deals with water resource management in a changing world, discussing the challenges faced by water managers in a world of changing climate and growing population, and the various strategies that can be employed to address these challenges.
Overall, "Fundamentals of Hydrology" provides a thorough introduction to the principles and concepts of hydrology as a science, making it an essential reference for students and professionals in the field of water resources management.
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