Spatial Data on the Web - Modeling and Management
Part I Models for Representing Spatial Semistructured, Multiresolution, and Multiscale Data
2 GeoMTGM: A Graphical Data Model for Semistructured, Geographical, and Temporal Data
3 Out-of-core Multiresolution Terrain Modeling
4 Progressive Techniques for Efficient Vector Map Data Transmission
5 Model Generalization and Methods for Effective Query Processing and Visualization in a Web Service/Client Architecture
6 Automated Geographical Information Fusion and Ontology Alignment
7 A Quality-enabled Spatial Integration System
8 Using Qualitative Information in Query Processing over Multiresolution Maps
9 Access Control Systems for Geospatial Data and Applications
10 Secure Outsourcing of Geographical Data Over the Web: Techniques and Architectures
11 Information Hiding for Spatial and Geographical Data
12 Geographical Data Visualization on Mobile Devices for User Navigation and Decision Support Activities
13 Tracking of Moving Objects with Accuracy Guarantees
Data describing the Earth’s surface and the phenomena that occur on it are frequently available on distributed environments, such as the Web, but the complexity of their spatial components raises many issues concerning data integration and many challenges regarding new applications and services that should be designed and implemented. This book addresses these topics by presenting key developments, directions, and challenges concerning representation, integration, protection, and innovative applications of geographical and spatial data in distributed environments
The initiative that led to the publication of this book is an Italian research project, called “Management and Modelling of Geographical Data over the Web” involving the following Italian universities: University of Genoa, University of Milan, University of Insubria, University of Udine, University “La Sapienza” of Rome, University of Trento, University of L’Aquila, and University of Verona. The book includes the results of this project as well as selected contributions from international experts.
The book could be used as a reference book for senior undergraduate or graduate courses on geographical information systems, which have a special focus on the Web as well as heterogeneous and distributed systems. It is also useful for technologists, managers, and developers who want to know more about emerging trends in geographical and spatial data management.
The book is organized into four parts. The first part consists of four chapters and deals with modeling and processing issues for geographical and spatial data in distributed environments, such as spatiotemporal data representation, multiresolution, and multiscale data representation and processing. The second part, composed of three chapters, deals with integration issues for spatial data sources, such as geographical information fusion, mediator systems, data quality in integration systems, and similarity-based processing over multiresolution maps. The third part consists of three chapters dealing with security issues for spatial data, such as access control, secure outsourcing, and information hiding. Finally, the fourth part contains two chapters dealing with innovative applications of spatial data for mobile devices.
The editors would like to thank all the people who made the successful completion of this project possible. First of all, we would like to thank the publishing team at Springer. In particular, we would like to thank Ralf Gerstner who gave us the opportunity to edit this book and constantly supported us throughout the whole process. We also want to express our gratitude to the authors of the chapters for their insights and excellent contributions to this book. Most of them also served as referees for chapters written by other authors. We wish to thank all of them, as well as all the other reviewers, for their constructive and comprehensive reviews.
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